Hćgt er ađ flokka steindir á ýmsa vegu. Hér er birt flokkun sem einkum byggir á skyldleika ţeirra međ tilliti til efnasamsetningar |
- Frumefni: Ýmsir málmar, hálfmálmar og málmleysingjar.Dćmi: Gull, Silfur, Grafít, Brennisteinn
- Súlfít: The Sulfides, the Selenides, the Tellurides, the Arsenides, the Antimonides, the Bismuthinides and the Sulfosalts.
- Halíđ: The Fluorides, the Chlorides and the Iodides.
- Oxíđ: The Oxides and the Hydroxides.
- Karbónöt: The Carbonates, the Nitrates and the Borates.
- Súlföt: The Sulfates, the Sulfites, the Chromates, the Molybdates, the Selenates, the Selenites, the Tellurates, the Tellurites and the Tungstates (or the Wolframates).
- Fosföt: The Phosphates, the Arsenates, the Vanadates and the Antimonates.
- Silíköt: The Silicates (the largest class).
- Lífrćn efni: The "Minerals" composed of organic chemicals!
- Hálfsteindir: The "Minerals" that lack crystal structure!